“There is no shortcut; there is no algorithm. If all you do is track what’s trending, then all you’ll ever know is exactly what everyone else already knew. To discover, you have to dig. “


Plural Futures is network of futures-minded, value-driven strategists, designers, and researchers.

Plural Futures is led by Daniel Riveong, an award-winning futures and foresight practitioner with +10 years of experience in international organizations’ strategy, research, facilitation, and capacity building.


Daniel has futures-oriented facilitated workshops, conducted research, delivered capacity training, and worked on multi-stakeholder projects across Asia and Europe.

His mixture of heritage and experiences in places like Indonesia to San Francisco and now Basque Country, Spain helps him navigate shifting contexts, different ways of sensing and work, that he brings into his practice.

His topical focus areas are Food Systems and Post-Capitalism/Future of Work, with interests in decolonial and non-Western approaches to futures and foresight.

  • Past foresight engagements include financial institutions, national governments, universities, and international organizations such as UNICEF, UNDP, WHO, FAO, and others. Daniel has worked on foresight and food systems issues in Spain, Finland, Lao PDR, and other countries with collaborators across the gastronomy and agrifood space.
  • As the former general manager of a San Francisco-based digital consultancy, Daniel also brings over ten years of experience in the digital technologies space, specifically in digital marketing and business intelligence for clients such as Wells Fargo Bank and Yves Saint Laurant.

Current Affiliations

  • Foresight Advisor at the Mycelium Gastronomy Network, a global network of +100 food scientists, chefs, food technologists, and other leading experts working on food innovation and regional food systems development.
  • NGFP Foresight Learning lead at the School of International Futures, where he leads on capacity building for a network of over +800 futures and foresight practitioners.
  • Board member at Participatory Futures Global Swarm, a co-operative dedicated to promoting participatory futures
  • Journal of Futures Studies co-editor for Perspectives and the “Future of Futures: Futures Studies and AI” special edition

Strategic Futures &
Foresight Highlights

Basque Culinary Center:
Personalised Nutrition

Our vision is to be at the forefront of architectural innovation, fostering a global community of architects and enthusiasts united by a passion for creating spaces.

International IDEA:

Our vision is to be at the forefront of architectural innovation, fostering a global community of architects and enthusiasts united by a passion for creating spaces.

NGFP Introduction to Futures & Foresight Course

Our vision is to be at the forefront of architectural innovation, fostering a global community of architects and enthusiasts united by a passion for creating spaces.

FAO Laos PDR SAMIS Project

Our vision is to be at the forefront of architectural innovation, fostering a global community of architects and enthusiasts united by a passion for creating spaces.